Tome of Nature Lore

Table of Contents

Druid Book #

  • Book usable by the following classes:
    • Full Cast Bonus: Druid
    • Semi Cast Bonus: Powerplayer
    • Semi Cast Bonus: Ranger
NameCircleDescriptionPower WordsSkillManaReagents
Spying Wisp1Summons one Woodland Wisp to your location. It stays hidden and alerts you when someone enters the area near itAmhairc SguabSpider Silk
Mandrake Root
Angry Flock2Summons a flock of magical birds that swarms a targetCuthach SgaothGinseng
Blood Moss
Call Beast3Summons a friendly animalGairm AinmhidhGinseng
Blood moss
Acid Splash4Splashes a target with AcidGeur SpriodGarlic
Goodberry5Creates a reagent seed in your BackpackBuadh DearcagGinseng
Mandrake Root
Beastform6Transforms Target into the selected Beast Ainmhidh AmhaircMandrake Root
Spider Silk
Dragons Blood
Tree Hiding7Disguises the caster as a tree, hidden from attackDarag FalachNightshade
Mandrake Root
Fertile Dirt
Burning Fire8Deals fire damage to target and will then burn target for duration after. If target moves more damage is inflictedTeasaich TeineDeadwood
Volcanic Ash
Binding Nature9Will trap target in vines and nature so the are unable to move for a durationStad NadurNightshade
Fertile Dirt
Ferocious Wind9Creates a ferocious wind that deals earth damage around the casterBainidh GaothSulphurous Ash x2
Volcanic Ash
Mother Nature10A Karma based bless on the target, removing any previous Bless of Curse. If target has negative Karma a curse will be placed on them Mathair NadurPumice
Hail Storm10Deals water damage to the selected targetEigh StoirmVolcanic Ash
Dragons Blood
Summon Ostard11Summons a tamable OstardSumain OstardBone
Dragons Blood
Worms Heart
Resurrect Animal11Resurrects targeted animal corpseAiseirigh AinmhidhGinseng
Eye of Newt
Executioners Cap
Vial of Blood
Acid Rain12Ultimate: Creates a storm dealing Acid damage to all targets in the radius for a durationGeur DileVolcanic Ash
Dragons Blood
Worms Heart
Serpent Scales
Personalize Mount13Ultimate: Changes the colour of your mount to a random colorAonar DunEye of Newt
Dragons Blood
Pig Iron

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