Player Classes

Here you can find extensive details on the Zulu Hotel Australia (ZHA) classes both base and the additional that were added in later rounds.

The command ‘.skills’ is used to display information about your classes. It will tell you what class and at what level you currently are at, Commands associated with the classes and general skill information. It will be required to see what the new skills are at on your character.

Class Levels #

Original ZHA #

Level% of Class Skills RequiredAverage SkillMinimum Skill PointsMaximum Skill Points
Notes: You can only reach class level 5 with the use of items.
1040 is the maximum achievable without items.

ZHA 3? #

Level% of Class Skills RequiredAverage SkillTotal Skill Points
Notes: Each level gives +10% in effectiveness of class skills.
Power Player’s do not get 10% bonus.
Power Player levels are listed under the Power Player class.

Base Classes #

These are the original classes created in Zulu Hotel

The Bard #

Skills #

  • Begging
  • Cartography
  • Enticement
  • Herding
  • Musicianship
  • Peacemaking
  • Provocation
  • Taste Identification

Bonuses #

  • Less chance to fail in all those skills.
  • Will get more money from begging.
  • Raise int and dex faster.

Bonus Elements #

  • None

Penalty Elements #

  • None

The Crafter #

Skills #

  • Arms Lore
  • Blacksmithy
  • Bowcraft
  • Carpentry
  • Lumberjacking
  • Mining
  • Tailoring
  • Tinkering

Bonuses #

  • Have more chance to make exceptional items, make better exceptional items.
  • Harvest more resources.
  • Have less chance to fail in their class skills.

Bonus Elements #

  • None

Penalty Elements #

  • None

The Mage #

  • Alchemy
  • Evaluating Intelligence
  • Inscription
  • Item Identification
  • Magery
  • Meditation
  • Resisting Spells
  • Spirit Speak

Bonuses #

  • More damage dealt by spell, receive less damage from spells
  • Make better potions
  • Scribing requires less Mana

Penalties #

  • Raise Strength slower
  • Receive more damages in physical battle
  • Deal less damage in physical battle

Bonus Elements (Implemented with Additional Classes) #

  • Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Acid, Necro, Holy

Penalty Elements #

  • None

The Ranger #

Skills #

  • Animal Lore
  • Animal Taming
  • Archery
  • Camping
  • Cooking
  • Fishing
  • Tracking
  • Veterinary

Bonuses #

  • Get a bonus one archery damages
  • Have less change to angry the animal when attempting taming.
  • Heal more with veterinary.
  • Track in a bigger range.
  • Raise dexterity faster.

Bonus Elements #

  • None

Penalty Elements #

  • None

The Thief #

Skills #

  • Detecting Hidden
  • Hiding
  • Lockpicking
  • Poisoning
  • Remove Trap
  • Snooping
  • Stealing
  • Stealth

Bonuses #

  • Have less chances to fail in all those skills
  • Raise dexterity faster
  • Poisoning like if he were using a more powerful potion without increasing the diff.
  • Can get more stealth steps
  • Can hide better.
  • Have less chances to be found by detecting hidden skill.
  • Have more chance to detect hidden.

Bonus Elements #

  • None

Penalty Elements #

  • None

The Warrior #

Skills #

  • Anatomy
  • Fencing
  • Healing
  • Mace Fighting
  • Parrying
  • Swordsmanship
  • Tactics
  • Wrestling

Bonuses #

  • Deal more physical damages
  • Have more chance to parry an attack
  • Receive less physical damages
  • Heal faster and heal more damages.

Penalties #

  • Receive more damages from magic
  • Deal less damages with magic
  • Raise int slower
  • Have less chance to resist
  • Some magic items are less effective on them

Bonus Elements #

  • None

Penalty Elements #

  • Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Acid, Necro, Holy

The Power Player #

Skills #

  • All

Penalties #

  • None

Bonus Elements #

  • None

Penalty Elements #

  • None

Power Player Levels #

LevelAverage SkillTotal Skill Points
Please note that Power Play levels are specific to the Power Player class. A player is classed as a Power Player when he is not aligned in one of the other classes.

Additional ZHA3 Classes #

The Deathknight #

Skills #

  • Anatomy
  • Necromancy
  • Healing
  • Macefighting
  • Parrying
  • Swordsmanship
  • Tactics
  • Meditation

Bonuses #

  • Level 1
    • +2 damage per level
    • +1 damage per level when using Bloody/Vampiric/Leech’s weapons
    • Small resistance to physical damage
    • Armor doesn’t affect meditation
    • Resistance to Necromancy spells
  • Level 6
    • Reincarnate ability (“.rise”) 1/day
  • Level 8
    • Summon Nightmare steed (“.summonsteed”) 1/day
    • Increased draining effect of Bloody/Vampiric/Leech’s weapons only while mounted on special steed!

Penalties #

  • Cannot wear Leather armor and Studded leather armor
  • Takes more damage from Holy spells
  • Cannot wield Holy or Silver weapons
  • Cannot wield Archery weapons

Bonus Elements #

  • Necromancy

Penalty Elements #

  • Holy

The Druid #

  • Alchemy
  • Animal Lore
  • Animal Taming
  • Herding
  • Magery
  • Nature Lore
  • Meditation
  • Veterinary

Bonuses #

  • Bonus to meditation (as Mage)
  • Armor doesn’t effect meditation
  • Taming bonus (as Ranger)
  • Druid Spells Penalties
  • Cannot Wear Bone, Ringmail, Chainmail and Platemail armor
  • Cannot Wear Shields
  • Cannot use spell scrolls

Large Bonus #

  • Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Acid

Penalty Elements #

  • Holy, Necro

The Monk #

  • Hiding
  • Stealth
  • Wrestling
  • Mace Fighting
  • Psionics
  • Meditation
  • Tactics
  • Parrying

Bonuses #

  • Level 1
    • Can parry without a shield
    • Disarm mode for wrestling (“.disarmmode”): 3% chance per level
    • Stun mode for wrestling (“.stunmode”): 2% chance per level
    • +5 damage per level while wrestling
    • +2 damage per level while staff-fighting
    • Meditation bonus (as Mage)
  • Level 3
    • Meditation heals Stamina and Hits as well as Mana
  • Level 5
    • Reflect arrows back at firer on successful parry

Penalties #

  • Cannot wear Leather, Studded leather, Bone, Ringmail, Chainmail and Platemail armor (Execept monk gloves)
  • Cannot equip shields
  • Weapons restricted to Quarterstaff, Gnarled staff, Black staff, Shepherd’s Crook and Martial Gloves

Bonus Elements #

  • None

Penalty Elements #

  • None

The Necromancer #

  • Necromancy
  • Magery
  • Meditation
  • Resisting Spells
  • Evaluating Intelligence
  • Spirit Speak
  • Forensic Evaluation
  • Alchemy

Bonuses #

  • Level 1
    • Armor doesn’t affect spellpower
    • Armor doesn’t affect meditation
    • Bonus to meditation (as Mage)
  • Level 7
    • Possess undead under your control (“.possessundead”)
    • Use on an undead pet to rise from the dead

Penalties #

  • Cannot wear Studded, Ringmail, Chainmail and Platemail armor
  • Cannot equip shields

Large Bonus Elements #

  • Necro

Bonus Elements #

  • Fire, Water, Air, Earth

Penalty Elements #

  • Holy

The Ninja #

  • Stealth
  • Hiding
  • Swordsmanship
  • Archery
  • Fencing
  • Tactics
  • Alchemy
  • Poisoning

Bonuses #

  • Level 1
    • Poisoning bonus (as Thief)
    • Hiding/Stealth bonus (as Thief)
    • Backstab ability (Attack directly behind enemy)
    • Backstab bonus to damage while hidden and behind victim
    • Alchemy bonus (as Mage)
    • New alchemy package for ninjas (COMING SOON)
  • Level 6
    • Ambush Ability (Attack while hidden – (piercing attack)
  • Level 8
    • Instant Recall 1/day (“.escape”)

Penalties #

  • Cannot wear Bone, Ringmail, Chainmail and Platemail armor
  • Cannot wield shields
  • Weapons restricted to: Katana, longsword, broadsword, bladed staff, double-bladed staff, kryss, dagger, skinning knife, butcher knife (And archery weapons)

Bonus Elements #

  • None

Penalty Elements #

  • Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Acid, Necro, Holy

The Paladin #

Skills #

  • Swordsmanship
  • Fencing
  • Healing
  • Anatomy
  • Parrying
  • Tactics
  • Piety
  • Meditation

Bonuses #

  • Level 1
    • +2 damage per level
    • +1 damage per level when using Holy/Dragonslayer/Silver weapons
    • Small resistance to physical damage
    • Armor doesn’t affect meditation
  • Level 6
    • Auto-resurrect 1/day (“.rise”)
  • Level 8
    • Summon Paladin’s Warhorse (“.summonsteed”) 1/day
    • Damage multiplier based on difference between Paladin’s Karma and Defender’s Karma only while mounted on special steed!

Penalties #

  • Weapons restricted to: Longsword, Broadsword, Vikingsword, Halberd, Bardiche, Spear, Lance, Kryss
  • Unable to wear leather Armor, Studded leather armor and Bone Armour
  • Cannot wield: Assassin’s, Void, Bloody, Leech’s, Vampiric, Piercing, Poisoned, Blinding, Blackrock
  • Takes extra damage from Necro spells

Bonus Elements #

  • Holy

Penalty Elements #


The Priest #

  • Piety
  • Meditation
  • Magery
  • Spirit Speak
  • Mace Fighting
  • Healing
  • Parrying
  • Resisting Spells

Bonuses #

  • Level 1
    • +1 damage per level with Silver/Holy weapons
    • Armor doesn’t affect spell power
    • Armor doesn’t affect meditation
    • Bonus to meditation (as Mage)
    • Large bonus per level to buffing/healing spells
    • Bonus to Healing skill
    • Gains buffing bonus from Healing Increase items

Penalties #

  • Cannot Wear Platemail
  • Weapons restricted to Macefighting weapons
  • Takes extra damage from necro spells

Large Bonus Elements #

  • Holy

Penalty Elements #

  • Necro

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